Tuesday, June 26, 2012

ITSE Atricle VII "Students Read Around the Planet"

Lim, J. (2011). Students read around the planet. Learning and Leading. 36(12-1), 36-37. Retrieved on http://www.learningandleading-digital.com/learning_leading/20111201#pg38.  

            This article is absolutely amazing. Some elementary schools around the United States have used web 2.0 technologies to link with other classes around the world. They use technologies such as videoconferencing to read with other classes. The classrooms can link with document cams and read with kids all around the world. It allows for a joint learning opportunity and is very valuable in this age that we live in.

            I really think this is a very valuable technology that has tons of applications in the classroom of the future. Students are able to teach their sister school about culture or what they learn from an American education and in turn learn about education strategies from other institutions around the world. The use of the videoconferencing learning has been a success in the classroom. Initially starting with 200 classes in 2002 they have since grown to 1,950 classes in five countries, four Canadian provinces, and 33 states in the US. Teachers love this technology because it widens the students’ knowledge of geography and become familiar with other cultures around the world.

            I feel this article fulfills ISTE NETS Standard 3 in that they apply digital tools to gather, evaluate information. Videoconferencing is so applicable and easy to use, students can use and take them anywhere and explore a lot of media. There are countless techniques that can pinpoint and enhance students’ knowledge in any subject area.     




  1. Matt – This article is amazing! I love the idea for a classroom to work with other schools from all over the world. I really think it engages students in the United States to learn and understand other cultures. It sounds kind of like the pen pal system that I did when I was in elementary school where we wrote to other students in schools in a different state. I loved doing this when I was young! Also, with all of the new technology, it is easier to contact schools in other countries using Skype or other computer programs. When I become an elementary teacher, I would definitely consider doing this in my class!

    1. Wow! It never crossed my mind to Skype for reading purposes with other people around the world. Just this morning in 364, we watched a TED video in which this concept was implemented with British grandmas teaching Indian children how to read. But that's my only perception of it. And it worked! My cousin is teaching English in Japan, I am going to ask her about it, perhaps she could set her students up with us college students as a reading activity. That would be rad!
